How would you like to contact us?
Talk to us in a way that works for you
Call us
Our Customer Service team are here to help you. They can:
change how you receive correspondence from us to large print, braille or audio formats
add a note to your account to speak clearly to help you understand them
help you with your banking needs.
Message us
If you manage your account online, you can log in to your account and send us a secure message.
Using secure messages, we can include personal or account specific details in our reply.
This includes:
changing how you receive correspondence from us to large print, braille or audio formats.
setting notes on your account to reflect your needs
working out other support to help you.
Visit us
Find your nearest branch to get in person support from our staff.
In branch, we can chat to you privately about what you need and how we can help.
This includes helpful equipment like our customer care kits, interpreters for British Sign Language (BSL), and getting someone to act on your behalf.
This includes helpful equipment like our customer care kits, interpreters for British Sign Language (BSL), and getting someone to act on your behalf.
Extra support to help you talk to our team
SignLive is a provider of online video interpreting services on demand for British Sign Language (BSL).
It’s free and you can use your own device with instant access and no need to book your interpreter ahead of time.
Relay UK
Relay UK helps people with hearing or speech difficulties communicate over the phone by relaying conversations between you and the person you’re calling.
It’s a free service so you only pay your normal call charges. Just type what you want say and read replies in real-time. If you prefer, Relay UK also offer a textphone you can use to make calls.