We can all face problems that seem complicated or intimidating and we realise these past few years have been challenging for everyone. So what can you do, and where can you go to discuss your problems? Our innovative partnership with Citizens Advice might give you the answer.

citizens advice and ybs

We’ve partnered with Citizens Advice to host their expert advisers in 44 of our branches. They provide free, confidential advice to help people overcome their problems.

Who are Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice are a network of independent charities offering confidential advice for free. They help millions of people every year. Last year alone they helped over 2.4 million people face to face, over the phone, by email and webchat, and had 40 million visits to their website. They are independent and totally impartial and give advice to people with many kinds of problems – from money to legal and consumer – to help them find a way forward.

What help Citizens Advice offer

To help you understand what Citizens Advice do, watch their video which features some of the people they have helped and some of the problems that they have overcome.

woman in flowers text says citizens advice

How Citizens Advice help people video

How to book a Citizens Advice appointment

If you'd like to book a free Citizens Advice appointment, pop-in to one of the branches below or give them a call.

What to expect before your appointment

Once your appointment is booked, YBS (Yorkshire Building Society) will contact you a few days before you are due to visit us, to check you can still make it. If you can't make your appointment please let us know by contacting your local branch, so that we can offer your appointment to someone else who needs it.

What to expect at your appointment

When you arrive for your appointment please speak to one of our colleagues and let them know you're there to attend your Citizens Advice appointment. They'll show you where to go and introduce you to your adviser. The appointment will take place in a private meeting room in our branch. Whatever you discuss in the meeting is fully confidential and no personal information will be shared with YBS or anyone else. Your appointment is free and will last up to an hour depending on what you want to discuss. Please be assured that Yorkshire Building Society will not contact you following your appointment and the matters you discuss with Citizens Advice will not be shared with anyone.

If you can't book an appointment

We already know that there is a very high demand for help from Citizens Advice. If you try to book an appointment at one of our branches and there are no suitable slots available, but you need urgent help, please look at the other ways to access help via the Citizens Advice website at www.citizensadvice.org.uk.

Adam Waterfall, Regional Area Manager at Yorkshire Building Society, said:

As one of the branches taking part in the partnership with Citizens Advice, it’s great to be able to offer this support to both customers and members of the public within our communities. I’ve witnessed first-hand how this partnership can provide an absolute lifeline for people who find themselves in difficult circumstances, and to be able to provide access to vital support when they really need it.

How to get in touch

If you have any comments or feedback on our partnership with Citizens Advice please get in touch. You can email community@ybs.co.uk, we’d love to hear from you.

Citizens Advice is an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux. Registered charity number 279057.